The MissionNext Blog

Getting Ready

It Pays to Pay Attention

The hints for effective living are already within us. God’s will for us, his direction for us, generally has more to do with what gives us new life in Him, what energizes us and what gives us delight. It pays to pay attention!

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Careers & Missions


Jesus, in His last words before leaving the earth, applied no qualifier as to who should be involved in discipling the people of the nations. Choose to be a part of this great plan …

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Careers & Missions

Anticipate Adventure

Give the sacrifice of time to be in the Word and, by faith, see where the wind of the Spirit will blow.

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Following Jesus

Sticky Stories

The rich young leader was challenged to abandon that which was dear—his control, his riches.  Jesus judged his status as incomplete …

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Following Jesus

Serve Him with All Our Being

God doesn’t need our help. He can do anything. But since He created us and planned for us to serve, let’s serve Him generously with all our being

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Garden of Eden Tree
Getting Ready

Between Eden and Eternity

When you find yourself doubting that you can impact eternity remind yourself that God is competent to fulfill the dream he has planted in you.

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Gifts and Skills

Assisted to Assist

The account of Jesus healing Peter’s mother-in-law is recorded in Matthew, Mark and Luke. Why is it so important that this single solitary healing early in His ministry receive so much press?

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Following Jesus

Life’s Events are Not in our Control

We hang on to our career because we cannot imagine the Lord directing our paths to move into full-time service for Him. But even Jesus did not organize the unfolding of some very key events.

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Gifts and Skills

You are a Special Treasure

“Treasure these words of mine in your heart and in your soul.” (Duet 11:18) What are these words the Lord wants you to treasure in your innermost being?

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Careers & Missions


The question for the new year is not, “Where am I in life?” but “Where am I in Christ?”

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Following Jesus

Public Service Announcement

PSA normally stands for Public Service Announcement.
It is an acronym to remember as we walk the earth each day: Pray, Scan, Ask.

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Thankful Wall art
By Author

A Thanksgiving Reflection

What is it about holidays that brings Charlie Brown movies out of the woodwork? Everywhere we turn, it’s time for another Peanuts episode!

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Careers & Missions

Only Our Best

We have been forgiven much. The expectation of the Lord is for us to be overflowing with a grateful spirit. We are bought with a price. Therefore, our time and our skills are His, but He wants us to serve willingly.

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Following Jesus

A Generous Response

It is recorded in all four gospels that Simon, healed by Jesus of leprosy, hosted a dinner in Jesus’ honor – a one-time act of service. But it is the thankful woman that invests the best she has to offer—she anoints the head and feet of Jesus.

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Following Jesus

The Cost of No Decision

We know in business and in other areas of life, the greater the risk, the greater the reward. It is a big risk to avoid risk. We are to lay up our time, talent and treasure for our eternity with Him.

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Starship Earth

The consequences of choice have already been determined by the sovereign God, and from this there is no appeal.

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Following Jesus

Life’s Events are Not in our Control

We hang on to our career because we cannot imagine the Lord directing our paths to move into full-time service for Him. But even Jesus did not organize the unfolding of some very key events.

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Following Jesus

The Lord is There

Effectiveness in ministry or marketplace is related to connectedness to the Lord and 1) Bible, 2) Bible, and 3) Bible.

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who, what, when, where
By Author

Fear of the Unknown

What if we run out of money?  What if times are hard?  Is Covid a problem? What about medical care? What if I can’t stand local food? Will my family be alright? Are these concerns you’ve had as you consider the unknowns of a mission field?  As we seek answers, let’s focus on God’s character as seen in the examples below. First, have you ever wondered what it would have been like to see the multiplication of the loaves and fish which allowed the disciples to feed thousands? Was it magical? Did it happen suddenly or slowly? I guess we’ll never know exactly how it happened, but it did happen because of who God was and still is. Second, some years ago, during spring break at a school for children of missionaries, some students went to needy areas on service projects. When they returned, they reported on their experiences. “Marie” went to an African country. They painted classrooms and helped teach Vacation Bible School.  As they began an art project on their last day, Marie pulled out a large bag of crayons and started giving six crayons to each student. Too soon she realized that there were only ten crayons left in her bag and several more children waiting. She considered going back to the first children to take some of theirs away or giving less to the remaining children but she didn’t like either option.  As she pondered this she gave six crayons to the next child.  She then looked into her bag and saw that she still had ten crayons. She continued around the room and did not have an empty bag until she had given the last child six crayons.   What do these stories say about God’s character?  In the story of the loaves and fish, Jesus demonstrated compassion. “… ‘I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. I do not want to send them away hungry, or they may collapse on the way,’” (Matthew 15:32 ESV). In the example of these students in a remote country, the creator and sustainer of the universe saw to it that each small child had six crayons. What else can we call that but compassion?  May we be challenged by these examples to grow in our compassion toward others’ needs as well as our trust in the God who sends us to the place of His calling! May we be challenged to be a part of what God is doing worldwide by seeking His call on our lives! If He calls, He equips, and He provides. “Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord,” (Psalm 27:14 ESV)!

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Following Jesus

Step Out of Your Shoes!

It is not “God has a wonderful plan for your life.” It is “God has a wonderful plan,” and you are part of it. God can use you when you allow Him to step into your shoes.

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User-Friendly Prayer App

We can use our lives to push the boundaries of the kingdom with quick or focused prayers to make a difference in the corridors of eternity.

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WIth you
Careers & Missions

But I am With You

Moses objected when challenged by God, “Who am I that I should go …” The Lord’s response? “Certainly I will be with you.” That was to be enough for Moses, and intended to be enough for you and me. 

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By Author

Finding a Fit – Missions in a Changing World Mix

I am passionately committed to SAT-7, the organization I work with to advance the Great Commission. As a volunteer who co-ordinates SAT-7 Ambassadors, I am seeking advocates who will become engaged in our ministry and assist informally, joining with me in volunteer efforts. SAT-7 values our partnership with MissionNext, although our interest in candidates is not typical of most organizations. SAT-7 provides satellite Christian TV in the Middle East and North Africa over five channels, with 24/7 program coverage. We are crossing boundaries in an effective and unique way into countries where media censorship is extensive, and persecution of believers is very real. Our international staff is centered in our main broadcast studios in Istanbul, Cairo, Beirut and two offices in Cyprus, where our international headquarters is located. 80% of our programs are produced directly by SAT-7, and we do not take any paid advertising for airtime. All hiring and employment of international staff is handled abroBehind the scenes, we have about 20 employees in the U.S. Serving in a support role, we pursue financial resources for the ministry’s very cost-effective expenses. We clearly are not partnering with MissionNext with a goal of recruiting employees. However, MisisonNext is a great fit for us! I am finding interest among candidates who will not be engaging in missions immediately. Some have accepted a missions’ position but are on hold due to current international limitations. They are willing to invest time as a SAT-7 Ambassador while waiting to start a recently accepted job assignment. In other instances, candidates have had a change in plans since submitting their profile on MissionNext’s site. Health issues, complications with a current employment situation, or unexpected family circumstances may have resulted in modified plans. SAT-7 Ambassadors offers an opportunity to be involved in international ministry immediately, with a very minimal and flexible time commitment. Our partnership with MissionNext has been positive and helpful. The quality of candidates is extremely impressive. Many are Christians with extensive, valuable backgrounds and skills, whether from past ministry experience or from the secular working world. Quite a few have advanced degrees, including theological studies. So, this is SAT-7’s success story, but what are your agency needs? If you are excited about the “fields that are white unto harvest” at your agency’s doorstep, and return on investment is important, check out MissionNext. The staff is friendly and helpful, and they offer great suggestions for marketing efforts to meet your recruitment needs. The database works seamlessly to identify candidates that fit match criteria. Since each profile provides dates for the most recent revisions, it is easy to identify those are just initiating a job search. Do you have positions that need to be filled? Qualified and worthy candidates are waiting right now in the MissionNext database.

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Jesus Cup
Following Jesus

The Jesus Cup

In all circumstances we must be satisfied with Jesus. Allow your cup to run over.

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World Map
CEO's Vlog

Introducing MissionNext

CEO VLOG POST – Sept 2023 This Vlog is of special interest for those following the MissionNext Journey.

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Getting Ready

Working Through Barriers

Jesus meets us when we step out in faith and work through the barriers to accomplish what he has put in our hearts. He meets us at the point of need.

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Careers & Missions

Who Me?

God has assigned us to be responsible to represent Him well

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Following Jesus

The God of the Few

It is often the few and the bold entrepreneurs in ministry that make a difference among the nations

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Getting Ready

Lord of Loose Ends

Prayerfully engage with God to do something big. See if He is good for His promise to multiply your efforts 30, 60, 100X, or even 5000.

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Getting Ready

Our Hope is in Him

The more we long for Jesus — to know him intimately and love him fully—the more we are deeply satisfied. And the more we want others to find that same joy.

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Getting Ready

Turn the Page

After the darkness, despair is turned to delight after we turn the page to the resurrection of Matthew 28. There is a dazzling display of power ending never.

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Missions at Home

Pandemic Places

Throughout history, Christians have cared for the sick around them, providing food and water instead of abandoning them often with their “quaranteam.”

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Following Jesus

Desperate for Jesus

Seeking the Lord in great earnest is the best way to get a clear assignment from Him and see Him work in us and through us.

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Getting Ready

Costly Speech

See what it is like to work with righteous, godly people in the world of missions.

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Careers & Missions

God’s Thunderclap

Calling all people to repent and realign their lives with the infinite worth of the glory of God.

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Following Jesus

Who is Your Neighbor?

Jesus identifies the neighbor we are to love as ourselves as someone who is the most ethnically, culturally, linguistically distant from us.

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Following Jesus

Be Interrupted

Still today Jesus urges us to go. His instructions: Go. Be interrupted. Make disciples of the nations.

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Getting Ready

Getting an Assignment

The decision to accept an assignment to disciple the nations is a transaction between you as a Christ-follower and the Holy Spirit.

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Getting Ready

Obadiah – A Major Message

For Esau it was the lure of short-term gain of the flesh, the here-and-now, and immediate comfort over the long-term joy God has promised as was the perspective of Jacob.

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Gifts and Skills

Humble Beginnings; Humble Life

It is no coincidence that Jesus calls us to an attitude of humility. Jesus is our Example in Chief. He told us to give of our resources and ourselves cheerfully and generously.

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Getting Ready

Prescription For Joy

Many have pursued their mission and vision and have seen the Lord multiply their efforts 30, 60 and 100-fold. It leads to great joy!

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Getting Ready

Lord, Increase My Faith

The more God responds to our requests to be used by Him, the more likely it is that our faith will be increased so our next request will be even bigger.

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Getting Ready

No Time to Waste

We have been created for a global purpose—called to participate on the front lines of this mission.

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Careers & Missions

Grace Journey

The final scene in Philippians is like the end of a movie. At the end of chapter 4 the screen goes dark and names roll up. Normally it is time to tune out. But wait! This is important!

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Missions Abroad

The Future of Missions

What does the future hold? “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” Hab 2:14

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Eye of a Needle
Careers & Missions

Through the Eye of a Needle

For a camel to go through a small opening in the Jerusalem wall – the eye of the needle, the camel has to be stripped of anything weighing him down and get on his knees. This is a great picture of what we must do…

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Jesus Cup
Following Jesus

The Jesus Cup

It does not matter what the circumstances are, we must be satisfied with Jesus. Allow your cup to run over.

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