The Jesus Cup
It does not matter what the circumstances are, we must be satisfied with Jesus. Allow your cup to run over.
It does not matter what the circumstances are, we must be satisfied with Jesus. Allow your cup to run over.
We now have the means to reach people we have never been able to reach previously. Now is the time to be intentional about offering your time, talent and treasure to Him.
Following the Lord’s leadership is not a little better – it is much better! Following our own direction can have dire consequences.
Experience the thrill of realizing that it is possible to make a significant impact for God, regardless of your past.
There are things that only another doctor can understand about the real life of being a doctor. There are things that only a mother or a teacher can understand about those roles. In the same way, only another missionary can really understand the life of a missionary.
God surprised us with unexpected answers to prayers during our seven-month whirlwind after being accepted as members of Wycliffe Bible Translators.
How will a culture to which God calls me compare to mine?
According to James, Elijah was a man with a nature like ours. He prayed earnestly and God responded.
When difficult things come into our lives, it is not because they have snuck by God. He was not distracted or sleeping and thus, missed something.
Is it possible that the Lord provides a second chance after death to gain Heaven? Not so. It is our assignment from on high to be engaged in making disciples of the nations. We must each consider what our grade will be for that assignment.
Will God be sufficiently pleased with religious activity, such as going to church, serving others when it is convenient, or giving now and again, or even tithing?
It is not “God has a wonderful plan for your life.” It is “God has a wonderful plan,” and you are part of it. God can use you when you allow Him to step into your shoes.
Each of us is unique as each leaf on a tree is unique. You are made special for this time and this place. The Lord trusted you enough to put you on the earth at this time.
“But,” you may say, “the problems of the world, at home and abroad, are too great. What can one person do?” Every effective Bible character started with small steps. Start small but think big.
If we humble ourselves and give ourselves over to the Lord to do whatever He asks, the Lord can do amazing things. We have a big God.
Spiritual life is a miracle of God as He births new life into those that receive Him. It is not too much of a stretch for us to see the miracle of our awareness that we are not our own, but the Lord’s.
The Lord’s highest value for us is righteousness and fruitfulness. We have to ask ourselves where we are on the spectrum of Kingdom fruitfulness. What are others saying about you? More importantly, what will Jesus say about you?
Moses was challenged by God to take on a new assignment by a big God. Moses objected, “Who am I that I should go …” The Lord’s response was simple, “Certainly I will be with you.” That was supposed to be enough for Moses, and it is intended to be enough for you and me.
“When I arrive on the mission field, I’ll be more consistent with my quiet times.” Have you ever thought that? I did, before I entered the field. We would agree that if Jesus spent time in prayer and communion with His Father, sometimes all night, we ought to do the same. However, Christians, whether missionaries or not, frequently confess that finding the minutes for a consistent quite time can be challenging.
However, the paradox is that you and I do not work for God to be accepted by Him. That is religion. Rather, we are accepted by God, therefore …
Jeremiah 47:10 has never made it into a memory verse packet. It reads, “Accursed is the man that is slack in doing the Lord’s work.” Another translation is “Cursed is the man that is lax in doing the Lord’s work.” We don’t want to be there …
How do we determine our readiness to minister to others? As a starting point for this multifaceted question, let’s consider two topics: spiritual readiness and emotional readiness.
Notice in Jeremiah 29:11, it is not our plans, but His plans for us that He promises to prosper. Jesus helps us out and tells us what those plans are …
After Jesus had completed the plan of salvation by ushering in the New Covenant, He made a number of post-resurrection appearances. He did not come back to make small talk or chit-chat about old times; these visits were purposeful.
If you are considering God’s call to foreign missions, you’re probably wondering how to choose an area of work. To begin, consider your experiences and avocations.
Raising support for a missions trip is often met with reluctance and fear. However, as we begin to delve into the topic, we realize that we need to learn God’s perspective and promises.
Mission work requires flexibility. Serving in a new culture means adjusting to new norms and customs. Some of them you may be prepared for, and others may completely throw you off guard. Here are a few topics to consider and resources to help.
While starting a new direction in missions may be important to you, I’m sure keeping your family protected, provided for, and intact in a world that tries to tear apart family values is at the top of your list of priorities. When God nudged me to consider missions, we were a very dysfunctional family.
If you’re considering God’s call to foreign missions, you’re probably wondering how to choose an area of work. To start, consider your experiences and avocations.
Fears about joining the mission field are universal. While everyone’s missions journey looks different, many of their concerns or misconceptions are the same.
Becoming a long-term missionary is fraught with change. Rise to the challenge and meet each of these head on with these tips and tricks.
If you’re serving overseas, there are many potential diseases and dangers for your physical health on the mission field. It’s easy for fear to set it.
Searching for a way to travel, experience the world, and witness the beauty of other cultures all while sharing Jesus? Going on a missions trip abroad maybe something to consider. But it’s not the only way to serve.
How do you find a mission agency that is similar in scope to your abilities, passion, location preference and interests? It is important to research any agency you might be considering. While every agency often has a specific focus, their actual ministry footprint can be very large.
I was afraid that I did not know enough about Jesus, that I did not know His word and that I would turn people away rather than draw them to Him. How could I talk to people about a love that I was just learning about and allowing to change and shape my world?
John Piper famously said, “Missions exists because worship doesn’t.” I would hazard that you and I are needed in missions, then, as an outpouring of our own worship.
Looking back at a career in missions asked myself: Why did I really become a missionary? Was it because of business downsizing, or because I wanted to look holy to my friends? Was it because I wanted to work for God?
When thinking of missionaries, many people think only of Christians who have taken up residence in some foreign country where the inhabitants most likely are unfamiliar with the Christian faith. However, every year thousands of Christians travel all over the world for periods of one week to six months to share the good news of the Gospel.
You believe that God is calling you to serve in missions, but you need to find an agency to affiliate with. Where do you begin? As you begin searching, you find there are a myriad of different mission agencies to choose from. How can you decide?
Get real. I am not a doctor, linguist, pilot, or even a pastor. Why would God call me to be a missionary? But what does God say about going to all the nations?
You feel God is calling you to something, you just wish you knew what that something is. How do you know if a role in ministry or missions is part of His plan for your life?
I don’t feel like going to my usual Sunday school class, I said to myself as I entered church, so I think I’ll watch the video another class is showing. God used my unusual decision to direct our lives in ways we had never dreamed.
The Lord says in his word that “the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few” (Mathew 9:37 NIV). Today, the World more than ever is in desperate need of workers to go out into every nation to reach the lost and the broken.
College graduation is both exciting and nerve-wracking. Now what? Rush into the workforce? Freelance? Take a gap year?
Her name was Maria. God sent me across the ocean to pray for her—a girl who was sixteen just like me, but lived in a completely different world.
When it comes to deciding how to serve in missions, the choices are practically endless. Where do you begin to find the right place with so many options?
Reality check: there are abundant ways to serve for mission agencies and organizations, all over the globe.
MissionNext would like to work with your organization to find the workers you’re looking for.
Meet Tom and Vicky Hall from Florida. Their story may be similar to what you’re going through.
What’s it like half-way around the world to teach for an Christian school, in the midst of diverse students and cultures?
When I was finishing my teaching program and starting the process of looking for teaching jobs I knew God was moving in my heart to teach oversees, but I had no idea where.
Comfortable – that’s what you would call my career in the banking field, but God had other plans for me with that two letter command.
Watching and sending is one way of serving Christ. And then, there are times when being the supportive hands and feet becomes a God-guided reality.
MissionNext partners with over 100 mission agencies and Christian schools, all with diverse needs. Be encouraged with two stories of God-ordained connections.
They’re out there. Searching for the right messenger–perhaps someone like you–whose skill and passion match their unique ministry needs.
By the end of this year, I’ll be serving overseas—all because God moved mountains to get me into missions.
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