Journey Missionary Jobs - Detail

Below is a listing of missionary jobs posted by our Journey partner organizations. Click on any Job Category below to see current opportunities. To inquire with mission agencies for any of these positions. You set the criteria—for when, when, what for serving. Register with MissionNext Journey and submit your Profile with these criteria to short cut the process.

Current CHURCH DEVELOPMENT jobs:   [+] View Selected Job Detail | View All | << Back to Category List

[+] Job ID: 4833 — South Asian Outreach Coordinator ( Inquire First)
[+] Job ID: 4854 — Maba Church Planter (Africa, Sub-Sahara)
[+] Job ID: 4656 — Chief Executive Officer (North America)
- CHURCH DEVELOPMENT:Leadership Development
Country:United States
Preferred Experience:PROFESSIONAL • Min of 3 yrs’ exec leadership & mgmt experience • Working knowledge & understanding of discipleship & Christian Ed & commitment to the best principles and practices in adult ed • An assessment that demonstrates emotional intelligence & self-aware leadership • Familiarity & a min of 5 yrs’ exp with cross-cultural ministry • Proven ability to cast compelling vision through both written & oral communication • Demonstrated exp in developing & implementing strategic planning • Exp developing church leaders • Min 5 yrs’ exp raising funds & securing foundation grants • Ability to travel internationally PERSONAL • Humble, confident & coachable servant leader • Outstanding oral & written communication skills • Able & willing to give & receive critical feedback • Self-motivated & entrepreneurial SPIRITUAL • A growing disciple of Jesus who is active in their local church • Consistent devotional life • Teachable spirit
Start_Requested: Not sure
Time Commitment:Long Term
Cross-Cultural Experience:Occasionally served in cultures other than my own
Extensive experience serving in cultures other than my own
Languages:English is a native language
[+] Job ID: 4971 — BRAZIL CHURCH PLANTER (South America)
[+] Job ID: 4930 — Paraguay Church Planting/Bible Translation (South America)
[+] Job ID: 4951 — HSD BIBLE TEACHER (Southeast Asia)
[+] Job ID: 4959 — BIBLE TEACHER (North America)
[+] Job ID: 4966 — BOLIVIA CHURCH PLANTER (South America)
[+] Job ID: 4968 — NATIONAL MISSIONARY TRAINER (Southeast Asia)
[+] Job ID: 4035 — Church Multiplication Specialist- Multiple Countries ( Various)
[+] Job ID: 4044 — Church Development Specialist- Ecuador or Colombia ( Various)
[+] Job ID: 4045 — Church Multiplication Facilitator- Multiple Countries ( Various)
[+] Job ID: 4793 — Church Development Coordinator- Regional Hub ( Various)
[+] Job ID: 4788 — Associate Church Multiplication Facilitator- Multiple Countries ( Various)
[+] Job ID: 5032 — Trainer for Latin American Pastors and Ministry Leaders (South America)
[+] Job ID: 291 — Church Planter ( Inquire First)
[+] Job ID: 5019 — Missionary ( Various)
[+] Job ID: 4644 — Church Planter - Paraguay (South America)
[+] Job ID: 581 — Church Planter in Cambodia (Southeast Asia)
[+] Job ID: 4387 — Church Planter in Brazil (South America)
[+] Job ID: 4379 — Fulbe Church Planter (Cameroon) (Africa, Sub-Sahara)
[+] Job ID: 1032 — Church Planter in Spain (Europe, West)
[+] Job ID: 4389 — Team Leader – The INN (North America)
[+] Job ID: 4383 — Church Planter (Central Asia) (Asia, Central)
[+] Job ID: 4390 — Youth Worker – The INN (North America)
[+] Job ID: 989 — Church Planter in France (Europe, West)
[+] Job ID: 994 — Church Planting in Indonesia (Southeast Asia)
[+] Job ID: 993 — Church Planting Facilitator - Moldova (Europe, East)
[+] Job ID: 4385 — Pol Church Planter (Cameroon) (Africa, North)
[+] Job ID: 1034 — Church Planter in Suriname (South America)
[+] Job ID: 4381 — Church Planter / College Minister (The Philippines) (Southeast Asia)


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