All About partners

Partner Benefits

    • A dynamic, web-based matching service to connect your organization with potential  candidates to fill your open positions.
    • Ability to add an unlimited number of open positions and view the profiles of prospective candidates that match your job criteria based on their interests, training, and experience.
    • Introductory and ongoing training and support for use of the MissionNext matching and search features.
    • The option to sign up for an Education Partnership as a School to post non-traditional positions and have the benefit of the matching service.
    • The option to sign up additional Reps within your organization to assist them in viewing candidate profiles and making initial contacts.
    • The option to sign up for a MissionNext Education partnership at no cost to affiliate with partner schools and assist them in recruiting for their open positions to help reduce the cost of education for your MK’s.

Contact us for details.

Organization Qualifications

The purpose of MissionNext is to connect God’s people with the good works he is preparing them to do for Kingdom impact. An Organization that desires to partner with MissionNext must be in agreement with this stated purpose.

The following criteria are used to qualify an Organization desiring to partner with MissionNext.

  • The Organization must be Christian in belief, purpose, values, and practice.
  • A Christian Organization is defined as one that holds to a Christian worldview with a Mission and Vision consistent with historical Christian beliefs, doctrine, and values.
  • The Purpose/Mission Statement of the Organization must be Christian.
  • The Organization must have a Statement of Faith that holds to historical Christian beliefs and doctrine.
  • The Organization must agree to the MissionNext Terms and Conditions, which includes our Statement of Faith and our Statement of Spiritual Purpose.
  • The Organization must have a Board of Directors. Each board member must hold to a Christian worldview consistent with historical Christian beliefs, doctrine and values.
  • Organization references (two minimum) must hold to a Christian world view consistent with historical Christian beliefs, doctrine and values. See a list of Affiliated Organizations as possible references.
  • An Organization has an understanding of and agrees to abide by the legal statements included on the MissionNext Partner Application form.


If your school is a member of the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) and is located outside of the United States and Canada, or if you are an Education partner Agency setting up a School account for your Non-Traditional positions, you are automatically qualified. Please complete the School Application.

If you are not currently an Education partner Agency, you can register as an Agency for free, then set up a School account for your Non-Traditional needs.  If your school is not a member of ACSI, the School Qualifications are as follows: 

    • The school must be located outside the United States and Canada.
    • The school must be a Christian school (Christian school is defined as one that teaches from a Christian World View with a Mission and Vision consistent with historical Christian Values) Non-Christian schools cannot partner with Education.
    • School administrators and faculty must be committed followers of Christ.
    • Non-Traditional Education Programs: Qualified Mission Agencies (See Organization Qualifications) can register as a Non-Traditional School by registering as a School on the Education Pathway and pay the appropriate fee.
    • Agencies registered with the Education Pathway can affiliate with a school to recruit educators for the affiliated (or partner) school for no additional fee. This often helps schools to keep tuition affordable for Agencies.
    • The School must agree to the MissionNext Terms of Use which includes our Statement of Faith and our Spiritual Purpose.


As a Partner of MissionNext, we agree to:

  • Appoint someone within our organization who will be responsible for using the MissionNext website for recruiting purposes and for receiving MissionNext communications.
  • Keep our profile information and job postings current and updated and remove positions once they have been filled.
  • Take part in initial online training via GoToMeeting for our Journey or Education Partnership unless time zone differences make a meeting onerous.
  • Promote the MissionNext website whenever possible at churches, conferences, and college presentations.
  • Respect the privacy of every candidate by protecting his/her information.
  • Notify MissionNext of candidates joining our organization through the MissionNext website or events. The information to be submitted at the end of June and the end of December for the duration of our partnership.
  • Provide a link from our Organization’s website to unless security is an issue, in which case, we will notify MissionNext.
  • Provide testimonies of individuals who have been recruited through the MissionNext website or events.
  • Word our job postings carefully so as not to jeopardize the work going on in sensitive countries.
  • Keep a high level of trust between organizations by participating with the utmost integrity and mutual respect.
  • Not charge schools a fee when using MissionNext Education to recruit teachers and/or support staff for their school. (For Organizations partnering with MissionNext Education to affiliate with schools.)
  • Only recruit teachers and/or support staff for schools that are MissionNext Education partners, and only post non-traditional positions if we, as a mission organization, sign up for a School account.
  • Recommend MissionNext to other organizations that we feel would benefit from partnership.
  • Ensure that any individual that affiliates with our organization for the purpose of working with the MissionNext site is aware of and abides by this Partnership Agreement.
  • It is a violation of the terms of partnership to use contacts from a MissionNext website, conference, or event for purposes of fundraising.
MissionNext reserves the right to block access to organizations that fail to abide by the MissionNext Partnership Agreement.
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