The conventional wisdom in the field of creative problem-solving is to delay a decision as long as possible, because you may think of a better idea in the meantime. In our instant, microwave, New-York-minute world, waiting is uncomfortable.
There are times in scripture when waiting delivered the God results. Noah spent years building and provisioning the ark. Then with everything good to go, he had to wait seven days before the rain started. What was the family thinking on day five? We can only assume it was a faith-building experience.
During the siege of Jericho, it was uncertain to all involved as to how the victory would be won. The entire Israeli community had to wait seven days for the walls of Jericho to fall. After circling the city once each day for six days, then circling seven times on the last day, we can only imagine they were completely exhausted. But only then would God “get it done” through them.
In Acts 16 Paul and his traveling companions were anxious to get on with the task of preaching the gospel. They explored a number of options but were prevented by circumstances three different times. They persevered until a path opened up. This is a great example of how God’s timing is not always our timing, and yet they continued in prayer to cast their burden on the Lord. Matthew 11:28,30 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest … For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” By faith they trusted that the Lord had an assignment for them.
The most familiar passage on waiting is from Isaiah 40:31, “but they who wait for the Lord shall … [get it done*].” Other translations have “those who hope in, trust in, look for,” or “expect the Lord shall…”
In this season of waiting, it is good to take the time to make eye-contact with the Lord to ask what it is you should press towards. Mission organizations are waiting for you to explore together with them what could happen when travel opens up. Take the chance. Don’t wait to actively start the waiting. Register or login at to see a range of jobs God might have in store for you when the time is right to move forward.
*Get it done” is my paraphrase for “…shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)

Nelson Malwitz, Founder, Chief Innovation Officer
Nelson is the generic Evangelical baby-boomer. Born in 1946, raised in the C&MA, he attended Urbana ’67 in college. He holds an MS degree in Chemical Engineering and worked in R&D positions in American industry for 33 years. Nelson is an inventor with formal training in methods of creative problem-solving. He was a founding elder at Walnut Hill Community Church in Bethel, CT (1982) and served in many leadership capacities of what is now one of the largest Evangelical churches in New England. In 1998 Nelson founded the Finishers Project, now MissionNext. Locally he attends a Torah study and is chairman of the sewer commission to serve among unchurched leaders.