
Blog featured image: Missions: another way to think about careers.

Another Way to Think About Careers

I don’t feel like going to my usual Sunday school class, I said to myself as I entered church, so I think I’ll watch the video another class is showing. God used my unusual decision to direct our lives in ways we had never dreamed.


Quiet Time and Missionary Life

“When I arrive on the mission field, I’ll be more consistent with my quiet times.” Have you ever thought that? I did, before I entered the field. We would agree that if Jesus spent time in prayer and communion with His Father, sometimes all night, we ought to do the same. However, Christians, whether missionaries or not, frequently confess that finding the minutes for a consistent quite time can be challenging.


Adjusting to a New Culture

Mission work requires flexibility. Serving in a new culture means adjusting to new norms and customs. Some of them you may be prepared for, and others may completely throw you off guard. Here are a few topics to consider and resources to help.

missionary, missions, global missions

Me, a Missionary?

Get real. I am not a doctor, linguist, pilot, or even a pastor. Why would God call me to be a missionary? But what does God say about going to all the nations?


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