They’re out there. Searching for the right messenger–perhaps someone like you!–whose skill and passion match their unique ministry needs. All MissionNext partners serve others for the Lord through diverse methods of outreach. All have the need to fill a wide variety of ministry opportunities. Discover more about three of MissionNext’s partners, and why they need you!
Missions Partners

Speaking fluently in more than 275 languages and dialects, TWR (formerly Trans World Radio) exists to reach the world for Jesus Christ. Our global media outreach engages millions in more than 190 countries with biblical truth. For more than 65 years, God has enabled TWR to help lead people from doubt to decision to discipleship. TWR is looking engineers, project managers, finance staff, IT/IS professionals, videographers, graphic designers, technicians, maintenance staff, adminstrators and many others. Together with international partners, local churches and other ministries, TWR provides releant programming, discipleship resources and dedicated workers to spread hope to individuals and communities around the globe. Whether using high-powered AM/MW, shortwave or FM radio, streaming content to Internet users, mobile and media devices or visiting face-to-face with listeners, TWR leaves a lasting spiritual footprint.
The vision of Christar is to cultivate Christ-honoring transformation in communities where He is yet to e worshipped. Christar workers seek to carry this out by planting churches among least reached Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims and other Asians worldwide. Find out more at
Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) exists to see individuals, communities, and nations transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We promote this transformation by positioning Christ-centered staff in strategic locations worldwide utilizing aviation, communications, appropriate technologies, and related services. MAF seeks committed Christians to serve as pilots, mechanics, computer and technology specialists, teachers, managers, and finance personnel to serve around the world. Find out more at
How will God use you to fill the need of missionary organizations? Let MissionNext help connect you with needs that match your unique calling!

Brad Benson, Chief Technology Officer of MissionNext
Brad has served in MissionNext since 2012 and is responsible for technology and website development. Seconded from Wycliffe Bible Translators, Brad has been with MissionNext over 12 Years and Wycliffe, over 19 years.