When it comes to deciding how to serve in missions, the choices are practically endless! This makes it exciting, but also a little intimidating. Where do you begin to find the right opportunity with so many to choose from? Prayer and Bible reading are always good starting points. It also helps to know the kinds of decisions you will need to make so you can narrow down the search.

Long-term vs. Short-term

Are you looking for a short-term opportunity that can help you wade into missions? From a few days to a few months, short-term mission trips are a great way to test the waters. You can experience the mission field, get to know the people and the organization and fit it into your school or work schedule! If you’re looking to make a bigger commitment and lifestyle change, there are service opportunities that require a one or two-year commitment as well as opportunities for long-term service.

Paid vs. Volunteer vs. Raising Support

Most mission trips or service opportunities require that you raise support to fund your ministry (It isn’t as frightening as it sounds!). Check out this book. The amount you need to raise may tie back to the time commitment you are making. However, there are a few paid openings, especially when it comes to teaching overseas. And there are always volunteer positions; some will allow you to serve in missions from home!

Take Inventory

Are there certain countries, cultures or types of service God has placed on your heart? Is there a specific skill you’d like to pursue? Is there some way you’re serving now that could translate to the mission field? Spend some thoughtful time in prayer and the Word to see how God has been preparing your life for the Great Commission.

How You Best Serve in Missions

The ways people serve are generally categorized into three groups: goers, senders and mobilizers. Do you see yourself working on the front lines, or are your gifts more towards motivating or teaching others? One is not better than the other; all are necessary. To learn more about your role, go to the bottom of our home page for a free download: Goer, Sender, Mobilizer: What is my next role?

Research, Research, Research

Once you have a pretty good idea of your decision in each of these areas, start looking around! Search for mission organizations, see what types of positions they are looking to fill. Research the different types and sizes of sending organizations to see which of them would be a good fit for you. Take time to talk to someone who has been in missions or currently works with an organization. Take some self-assessments.

Top needs of our partners: Journey-jobs

The thing to remember through all of this is that it’s not a decision you have to make on your own! First and foremost, God will be leading you. He will open the right doors and close the wrong ones, so don’t get discouraged during this process. Be encouraged to find the place He has prepared for you!

Start exploring ways you can serve in missions by registering and filling out a Profile.

Picture of Joanna Evoniuk

Joanna Evoniuk

Joanna Evoniuk is a writer and content manager with a heart for missions and travel. She has been a part of campus ministry, short-term mission trips, and moved to the UK as part of a church plant team.

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