Unexpected Answers to Prayer
God surprised us with unexpected answers to prayers during our seven-month whirlwind after being accepted as members of Wycliffe Bible Translators.
God surprised us with unexpected answers to prayers during our seven-month whirlwind after being accepted as members of Wycliffe Bible Translators.
One day He will return in the same way He ascended. Will He find us standing and gazing into heaven, or will He find us busy at the work He has given us to do?
“When I arrive on the mission field, I’ll be more consistent with my quiet times.” Have you ever thought that? I did, before I entered the field. We would agree that if Jesus spent time in prayer and communion with His Father, sometimes all night, we ought to do the same. However, Christians, whether missionaries or not, frequently confess that finding the minutes for a consistent quite time can be challenging.
We are called to be stepping along on our journey to be directed to restore this imperfect world.
In all circumstances we must be satisfied with Jesus. Allow your cup to run over.
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