Bumpy and long: often that’s the path to the mission field. And yet, there is joy and growth in the journey—even while you’re waiting for God’s “go.”



By the end of this year, I’ll be serving overseas—all because God moved mountains to get me into missions.

For 20 years I worked in corporate and executive management—20 years I also spent running away from God. Then, eight years ago, my life changed forever when I went to church with my folks. In one moment, the Word of God came alive and transformed my heart and my life. From that minute of transformation, God began calling me into missions.

Becoming a missionary didn’t happen overnight. I spent time removing the “stuff” that didn’t have to do with living for Christ, sold everything I owned, and quit the corporate job to have time for missions training. Today, I work part-time at Best Buy. And through all this change, God has worked everything for His purpose and glory.

I also watched God remove mountain-sized obstacles, clearing the path to mission work. With His divine intervention, I eliminated almost a quarter million dollars of debt in five years’ time. He opened the door for theological education and provided a place for my parents, whom I had taken care of financially for 20 years.

God’s Call to “Go!”

Before discovering my mission assignment, I was working a difficult job where every moment I had to lean on the Spirit to just keep going. I heard the Lord calling me to “go” but was at a loss as to where! So I started searching online. One link took me to the Finishers Project, and I filled out a profile.

This search happened during a period of questioning God’s call. At one point, I cried out for a sign, a Gideon-and-the-threshing-floor moment. And, God answered. Literally a few minutes later, I got the first call from a missions agency who’d found me through MissionNext. It was the first of many agency contacts.

The last agency to call me was Wycliffe. A key desire of mine is to help God’s Word come alive for others, just as it had for me. This desire matched Wycliffe’s ministry, confirming that’s where God was leading me. After what seemed like an eternity of changed plans, waiting on the Lord, and divine occurrences, God opened up a position in Nigeria.

The missions team there crafted a position that perfectly fits my unique gifts and experience. I’m excited about being part of the community there, letting them know Jesus loves them and is truly alive!

Throughout this whole process, two of MissionNext’s Journey Guides, Mark and Sue Wilson, played a vital role of support and encouragement. They continue to share my journey and I consider them close friends.

Becoming a missionary was a lengthy process—applications and more applications, hurrying up to wait. Yet the Lord has used this journey to transform my life. He has given me opportunities to share my testimony in everyday conversation. Most importantly, I’ve learned God moves in God’s timing. God is sovereign. Whatever He wants to happen, will.

Don’t give up on God’s call for your life, no matter how impossible it seems. Just keeping seeking Him. Find out how MissionNext can help you along your journey into missions.

Picture of Joanna Evoniuk

Joanna Evoniuk

Joanna Evoniuk is a writer and content manager with a heart for missions and travel. She has been a part of campus ministry, short-term mission trips, and moved to the UK as part of a church plant team.

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