Me, a missionary?
Get real. I am not a doctor, a linguist, a pilot, or even a pastor. Why would God call me? I’m just fine with my social media addiction, TV sports high, my family and friends dinner night of pigging out and my weekly obligation of church attendance. I have raised a family, maintained a good job, and bought a house, a car and golf clubs. I have played my role in church and even volunteered for a short-term mission’s trip. I have done my part.
But what does God say?
“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” – Mark 16:15.
This does not look like a calling, but a command.
Oh great! Now, I have to face up to what God has said. Leaving my safe cave scares me spitless. Could I put up with another culture in hot jungles and crowded, dirty cities, while learning another language without my tech toys and safe surroundings? What would my parents, spouse, kids and friends think? Would they be ok with me packing off for the ends of the earth?
Then there is the area of my health. Could I stand up to the change and more physical activity? And don’t get me started the question of funding! Who would pay my bills and how would I get a paycheck? Man! If I had to beg for money, I would be so embarrassed.
If I felt God directing me to ministry, what would my wife think? Would she be willing to wear a black hat, long black shoes and wear her hair in a bun? And how do I even begin to narrow down a country or organization to serve with, let alone be accepted by one that fits my time commitment needs?
Whatever your preconceived notions are when it comes to missions, I’m sure that sacrifice and hardships are near the top. Yet there are an abundance of opportunities and ways to serve God’s Kingdom in missions.
“Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:24.
More Than One Kind of Missionary
I found out that my experience as retailer could be used for Wycliffe International Bible Translators for over thirty years in management and recruitment by helping provide help to many, many missionaries now serving around the world. Praise God.
When I followed through in faith, I found my obstacles fell by the wayside and fears were removed as God provided for mentally, emotionally, physically and financially time and time again.
“Casting all your care upon him; for He careth for you.” – 1 Peter 5:7
And you don’t have to start this journey alone! When you fill out a profile with MissionNext, our staff will help you guide you to the mission agencies that are right for you, as well as offer encouragement, advice, and prayer. Or, check out one of our many forums for a weekend of information and support.
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Mike Gallagher spent thirty-six years with Wycliffe Bible Translators and then served with MissionNext until his death in 2021.