The Lord says in his word that “the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few” (Mathew 9:37). Today more than ever, the World is in desperate need of workers to go out into every nation to reach the lost and the broken.
Right now, there are thousands of Christian workers ready to serve the kingdom of God with their unique calling, and there are Christian ministries, schools and agencies looking to fill thousands of open positions. We are the only known ministry that is the missing link that connects the workers with the perfect position or mission through our extraordinary web-based matching service.
All of our services are free to individuals and include personal coaching and educational events to properly prepare and equip them for their journey. Serving in missions is a big decision, and it helps to have community and support. This experience is life-changing for the missionaries and the people they serve.
We invite you to be a part of this incredible journey by supporting through your thoughts and prayers. If you are moved to support financially, you will help connect those that are called to missions with opportunities to serve and fulfill God’s great commission. Thank you in advance for your prayers and support. We will be very blessed if you choose to be a part of this amazing opportunity and we know you will be too!
If you are interested supporting our ministry, click here. Thank you.

Robert Werntz - Past President and CEO, MissionNext
As I served with ReachGlobal as missionary recruiters, God stirred a passion for intentional recruiting. There are many gifted people who would love to serve, but don’t know where to start. All Christ followers are charged with telling the world about salvation through Christ. The need to help people find their way to serve in the harvest field is a vital ministry unto itself.
There have been many pivotal points in his journey. Looking back, it’s remarkable to see how God has used and is using each one of them. He has chosen to use my life experiences as a banker, pastor, missionary and recruiter–for such a time as this. Most pivotal, of course, have been the changes in me. God is always drawing me to trust Him, changing my easily-fixed mindset to be willing to follow Him however and wherever He leads.