Legal Statement

Legal Statement

MissionNext operates as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization incorporated in the state of Arizona.


The Board members of MissionNext are all volunteers with a great breadth and depth of appropriate experience in churches and missions. Most serve in other organizations. No one on the Board, except for the President, is compensated for their time and talent in their service of MissionNext, except by the Lord.


Funds are collected and distributed by MissionNext under the guidelines of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA).  The financial operations of MissionNext are audited by a qualified independent financial auditor annually.  To keep overhead expenses low, each serving with MissionNext works from a home office.


The services of MissionNext are sponsored, in part, by a nominal annual fee paid by partnering organizations.  However, as faith-based organizations, the income of partner organizations is generally from gifts and therefore limited.   Consequently, MissionNext is supported by gifts from those who have a desire to support the effort to provide more laborers for His harvest.


The goal of MissionNext is to provide information, challenge, and pathways for people to enter the missions enterprise from a career.


MissionNext attempts to provide accurate and up to date information.  However, it is impossible to guarantee complete and absolute reliability.  We are open to comments and suggestions to make the information portion of our web and conference services as complete and accurate as possible.


The challenge offered is in the spirit of “let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works” (Heb 10:24).  MissionNext operates in the evangelical tradition of the partner organizations.   Originally, MissionNext was a ministry of Walnut Community Church, Bethel, CT.  That sponsoring church is a member of the National Association of Evangelicals.  MissionNext held and continues to hold to the Statement of Faith of the NAE.


MissionNext aims to stand in the gap between people willing to serve the Lord in the vision and goals of faith-based ministry organizations and those ministry organizations.  The goal of MissionNext is to bring you to the “front door” of competent faith-based organizations.  However, as a practical matter, once that introduction is achieved, MissionNext cannot guarantee that users and ministries will not continue to correspond with each other apart from the offices of MissionNext.   Thus MissionNext can offer no guarantees, express or implied.  MissionNext assumes no liability for “damages” real or imagined, direct or indirect, as a result of making the introductions.


You are under no obligation to MissionNext to pay for this service or donate money.  Further, you are under no obligation to join or donate to a partner organization.  Should you decide to take advantage of the web-based services of MissionNext, offered at no cost to you, you are under an implied obligation to supply information that is to the best of your knowledge accurate.  This will assure that the material and time resources of MissionNext and partner organizations are well spent.  Ultimately your real obligation is solely to the Lord as determined between you and Him.

Certain personal information is provided by you, the “user”.  It is intended to be used solely by the ministry as a preliminary tool to establish a potential fit between services offered by you and services needed by that ministry organization.  Personal information offered by you, the user, does not constitute an application for employment. Please note that it is a strict violation of the terms of engagement by our partner organizations to use your name or any information about you from the MissionNext website for the purposes of fundraising.


Partner organizations are obligated to handle personal information in a confidential manner as per the human resource policies of their organizations in compliance with all personnel laws.  A partner organization is NOT obligated to offer you a position of service with them.  Any arrangements of service and compensation, if any, is a matter strictly between you and a partner organization as dictated by their policies or individually negotiated.  The obligations of partner organizations are to the laws of the land and also to the Lord.

It is a strict violation of the terms of ministry partnership to use any contacts from MissionNext website for the purposes of fundraising.


MissionNext stands to serve users and ministry organizations alike.  As with any customer-provider relationship the level of integrity and service influence the outcome.  The goal is to provide a safe, private and comfortable place to explore ministry options for your adult years.  While we try to do our best, we can make no guarantees that successful connection will be made between a user and a faith-based ministry or service organization.  Further, at the sole discretion of MissionNext, we reserve the right to terminate the service to users and partner agencies for misuse of this openhanded service, as determined solely by MissionNext.

If a user or ministry wishes to terminate use of the services offered by MissionNext, we commit to terminate that service by deleting their personal or organization information from our electronic databases.  However, as a practical matter, once introductions are made, MissionNext can not guarantee users and ministries will not continue to correspond with each other apart from the offices of MissionNext. Happily, in our experience, most of those that have requested termination of services, do so because they have moved on to serve with a missions agency.

The knowledge of the Glory of the Lord will fill the earth as the waters cover the sea. Be a part of what will be accomplished by joining the missionary cause.

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