Comfortable – that’s what you would call my career in the banking field, but God had other plans for me with that two-letter command.
I trusted Christ and followed Him into ministry, serving as an ordained worship pastor. During that time, my wife and I joined a one-week mission team trip to Honduras. While on the trip, we sensed God’s call to serve Him there. Within eight months, we were living in Honduras with our youngest son, where we planted the Evangelical Free Church of Honduras.
We lived there for 12 years, church planting and training leadership. During that time I also served on the ReachGlobal (EFCA) Latin America leadership team, traveling to many countries to encourage nationals and missionaries in their ministries. Eventually we handed over church leadership and returned to the U.S.
What’s next, Lord?

Robert Werntz - Past President and CEO, MissionNext
As I served with ReachGlobal as missionary recruiters, God stirred a passion for intentional recruiting. There are many gifted people who would love to serve, but don’t know where to start. All Christ followers are charged with telling the world about salvation through Christ. The need to help people find their way to serve in the harvest field is a vital ministry unto itself.
There have been many pivotal points in his journey. Looking back, it’s remarkable to see how God has used and is using each one of them. He has chosen to use my life experiences as a banker, pastor, missionary and recruiter–for such a time as this. Most pivotal, of course, have been the changes in me. God is always drawing me to trust Him, changing my easily-fixed mindset to be willing to follow Him however and wherever He leads.