Donate to MissionNext
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Send your check or money order, made out to MissionNext to: MissionNext, 2518 Burnsed Blvd., PMB 327, The Villages, FL 32163 – 2704. Enclose a note detailing how the funds are to be designated. Donations with no designation will be used where needed most. Also, call (352) 399-5057 for donations of stock, property, or gifts-in-kind.
Thank you! Thank you for helping believers follow God’s calling on their lives to reach the lost. Your donations help us connect these believers with Christian Schools and Mission Agencies that have positions where they can use their gifts and passions to fulfill the Great Commission. Thank you for joining us on our Journey!
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MissionNext is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible. Contributions are solicited with the understanding that MissionNext has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds. Refund Policy