An Open Letter to My Previous Self Before Entering the Mission Field
If I could go back in time to give myself some encouragement, this is what I would say. “Helen, the God you’re getting to know is bigger than any challenge you will ever face.
If I could go back in time to give myself some encouragement, this is what I would say. “Helen, the God you’re getting to know is bigger than any challenge you will ever face.
One day He will return in the same way He ascended. Will He find us standing and gazing into heaven, or will He find us busy at the work He has given us to do?
What is it about holidays that brings Charlie Brown movies out of the woodwork? Everywhere we turn, it’s time for another Peanuts episode!
What if we run out of money? What if times are hard? Is Covid a problem? What about medical care? What if I can’t stand local food? Will my family be alright? Are these concerns you’ve had as you consider the unknowns of a mission field? As we seek answers, let’s focus on God’s character as seen in the examples below. First, have you ever wondered what it would have been like to see the multiplication of the loaves and fish which allowed the disciples to feed thousands? Was it magical? Did it happen suddenly or slowly? I guess we’ll never know exactly how it happened, but it did happen because of who God was and still is. Second, some years ago, during spring break at a school for children of missionaries, some students went to needy areas on service projects. When they returned, they reported on their experiences. “Marie” went to an African country. They painted classrooms and helped teach Vacation Bible School. As they began an art project on their last day, Marie pulled out a large bag of crayons and started giving six crayons to each student. Too soon she realized that there were only ten crayons left in her bag and several more children waiting. She considered going back to the first children to take some of theirs away or giving less to the remaining children but she didn’t like either option. As she pondered this she gave six crayons to the next child. She then looked into her bag and saw that she still had ten crayons. She continued around the room and did not have an empty bag until she had given the last child six crayons. What do these stories say about God’s character? In the story of the loaves and fish, Jesus demonstrated compassion. “… ‘I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. I do not want to send them away hungry, or they may collapse on the way,’” (Matthew 15:32 ESV). In the example of these students in a remote country, the creator and sustainer of the universe saw to it that each small child had six crayons. What else can we call that but compassion? May we be challenged by these examples to grow in our compassion toward others’ needs as well as our trust in the God who sends us to the place of His calling! May we be challenged to be a part of what God is doing worldwide by seeking His call on our lives! If He calls, He equips, and He provides. “Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord,” (Psalm 27:14 ESV)!
If you are considering God’s call to foreign missions, you’re probably wondering how to choose an area of work. To begin, consider your experiences and avocations.
I don’t feel like going to my usual Sunday school class, I said to myself as I entered church, so I think I’ll watch the video another class is showing. God used my unusual decision to direct our lives in ways we had never dreamed.
I am passionately committed to SAT-7, the organization I work with to advance the Great Commission. As a volunteer who co-ordinates SAT-7 Ambassadors, I am seeking advocates who will become engaged in our ministry and assist informally, joining with me in volunteer efforts. SAT-7 values our partnership with MissionNext, although our interest in candidates is not typical of most organizations. SAT-7 provides satellite Christian TV in the Middle East and North Africa over five channels, with 24/7 program coverage. We are crossing boundaries in an effective and unique way into countries where media censorship is extensive, and persecution of believers is very real. Our international staff is centered in our main broadcast studios in Istanbul, Cairo, Beirut and two offices in Cyprus, where our international headquarters is located. 80% of our programs are produced directly by SAT-7, and we do not take any paid advertising for airtime. All hiring and employment of international staff is handled abroBehind the scenes, we have about 20 employees in the U.S. Serving in a support role, we pursue financial resources for the ministry’s very cost-effective expenses. We clearly are not partnering with MissionNext with a goal of recruiting employees. However, MisisonNext is a great fit for us! I am finding interest among candidates who will not be engaging in missions immediately. Some have accepted a missions’ position but are on hold due to current international limitations. They are willing to invest time as a SAT-7 Ambassador while waiting to start a recently accepted job assignment. In other instances, candidates have had a change in plans since submitting their profile on MissionNext’s site. Health issues, complications with a current employment situation, or unexpected family circumstances may have resulted in modified plans. SAT-7 Ambassadors offers an opportunity to be involved in international ministry immediately, with a very minimal and flexible time commitment. Our partnership with MissionNext has been positive and helpful. The quality of candidates is extremely impressive. Many are Christians with extensive, valuable backgrounds and skills, whether from past ministry experience or from the secular working world. Quite a few have advanced degrees, including theological studies. So, this is SAT-7’s success story, but what are your agency needs? If you are excited about the “fields that are white unto harvest” at your agency’s doorstep, and return on investment is important, check out MissionNext. The staff is friendly and helpful, and they offer great suggestions for marketing efforts to meet your recruitment needs. The database works seamlessly to identify candidates that fit match criteria. Since each profile provides dates for the most recent revisions, it is easy to identify those are just initiating a job search. Do you have positions that need to be filled? Qualified and worthy candidates are waiting right now in the MissionNext database.
College graduation is both exciting and nerve-wracking. Now what? Rush into the workforce? Freelance? Take a gap year?
It is the missionary task to disciple the nations—and to disciple with great joy.
“When I arrive on the mission field, I’ll be more consistent with my quiet times.” Have you ever thought that? I did, before I entered the field. We would agree that if Jesus spent time in prayer and communion with His Father, sometimes all night, we ought to do the same. However, Christians, whether missionaries or not, frequently confess that finding the minutes for a consistent quite time can be challenging.
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