What does a partnership look like with MissionNext? We asked Charles Micheals with Wycliffe Bible Translators to share a little bit about his relationship with our organization. Here’s what he had to say:
MissionNext and the various opportunities they provide for Wycliffe Bible Translators through portal ministries like MissionNext Education and Journey continues to pay rich dividends for our work worldwide. Their ability to connect people to opportunities for service in global missions with us is unparalleled.
In one year, MissionNext has helped us connect with hundreds of great candidates who are seriously looking at service with us and many of them have moved to become full-time workers with us.
Why Partnering Works
MissionNext is the best avenue for us to connect up with mission-minded people because of their ability to refine ministry options for people and match them successfully with ministry opportunities with us. The cost for Wycliffe to successful recruit a person to service using MissionNext can be counted in the hundreds of dollars, versus the thousands of dollars other methods cost us to advertise and connect up with qualified candidates.
Not only is our mission budget stretched because of the work of MissionNext, but the time it takes for people to begin application with us has been reduced. We have found that we can recruit more people in a year because we need to spend less time finding the right people who have the right skills and abilities to serve with us. MissionNext helps make that match for us seamlessly.
Devoting mission staff to work with the names coming from these MissionNext sites is the best investment any missionary agency can make. Likewise, individuals looking for a place to serve in global missions can find no better place to easily connect up with mission agencies looking to employ them. Advance the mission of God in the world, help get mission staff to their mission locations faster and cheaper by supporting and using the opportunities afforded by MissionNext.
MissionNext would like to work with your organization to find the workers you’re looking for. Start your journey today!