So many of us want an assurance of our future. We hang on to our career because we cannot imagine the Lord directing our paths to move into full-time service for Him. But even Jesus did not organize the unfolding of some very key events. For example, oft times the Easter story is simply told. It is a great story, but one that can become so familiar to us that it is easy to miss some of its lessons.
Notice that Jesus did not give any instructions as to what should happen to His body after His death on the cross. None. But when Joseph of Arimathea was granted the body, “he bought fine linen, took Him down, and wrapped Him in the linen. And he laid Him in a tomb…and rolled a stone against the door of the tomb.” [Mark 15:46] Mary Magdalene and Mary, the mother of Jesus, observed all this, and when the Sabbath was over, they came back to the tomb to anoint his body with spices. They had no regard for their personal safety, the opinion of others, or the politics of the day. None. His mother and those with her were just in love with Jesus. Nothing else mattered. Nothing. It must have been that Pilate was so moved, or perhaps, shell-shocked, that he granted any reasonable request after Jesus bowed his head and gave up His spirit.
The preparation of His body, the linens, the tomb, the extra steps to seal and guard the tomb, the women on that first Easter morning, the angel…all are a part of the story that was orchestrated by God to confirm for all time that Jesus is alive and that His word is true.
In the same way, we cannot script our future. We cannot organize the unfolding of events in our lives with any certainty. Yet the Lord manages the circumstances around us from on high. His call is for us to trust Him by faith.
The Lord is looking for those who are willing to offer themselves as a living sacrifice for service to others and to Him. His highest value for us is usefulness. And, contrary to our intuition, our happiness and joy are most complete, not when we are serving ourselves, but when we are serving Him. One good option is to see how you might be used in God’s global cause with a surprisingly good fit. Register or login on MissionNext
Nelson Malwitz, Founder, Chief Innovation Officer
Nelson is the generic Evangelical baby-boomer. Born in 1946, raised in the C&MA, he attended Urbana ’67 in college. He holds an MS degree in Chemical Engineering and worked in R&D positions in American industry for 33 years. Nelson is an inventor with formal training in methods of creative problem-solving. He was a founding elder at Walnut Hill Community Church in Bethel, CT (1982) and served in many leadership capacities of what is now one of the largest Evangelical churches in New England. In 1998 Nelson founded the Finishers Project, now MissionNext. Locally he attends a Torah study and is chairman of the sewer commission to serve among unchurched leaders.