August 2018

Adjusting to a New Culture

Mission work requires flexibility. Serving in a new culture means adjusting to new norms and customs. Some of them you may be prepared for, and others may completely throw you off guard. Here are a few topics to consider and resources to help.


Your Family and Missions

While starting a new direction in missions may be important to you, I’m sure keeping your family protected, provided for, and intact in a world that tries to tear apart family values is at the top of your list of priorities. When God nudged me to consider missions, we were a very dysfunctional family.


Recommended Browsers

Desktop Recommended for Profile Data Entry

Chrome Browser Logo

Chrome by Google

Works on Windows and MAC

Opera browser Logo

Opera by Chromium

Recommended Cautiously

Edge Browser Logo

Edge by Microsoft

Works on Windows 10, 11

Vivaldi Browser Logo

Vivaldi Technologies

Works on Windows and MAC


Safari by Apple

Works on MAC

Firefox by Mozilla

Recommended Cautiously